Sunday 31 August 2014

Low Carb Down Under - Low Carb Nutrition event August 2014

I attended the event yesterday. It was an interesting event but it felt light-weight and didn't really address anything except high-level flag-waving for the low-carb approach. There wasn't really any discussion on negative impacts of following a low-carb diet and you would have left the event thinking there was only upside to doing so.
The presenters by and large did not seem to have the in-depth, up to date level of understanding of the US-based Paleo-istas like Robb Wolf, Paul Jaminet, Chris Kresser, Dave Asprey etc. There appears to be a need for some serious catch-up before next years event. I certainly hope they'll get someone with a counter opinion to even things out.

One interesting slide I'd like to mention was from Prof Tim Noakes:
Impact of Insulin Resistance to carb tolerance. Photo from
It shows how the degree of Insulin Resistance impacts the ability to tolerate carbohydrates. If you've been highly Insulin Resistant in the past (i.e. suffering from Metabolic Syndrome) then you will always have a lower tolerance to carbs. I asked Prof Noakes if Insulin Resistance ever normalises and he flat out said 'No, never'!
So the key take-away from that is to avoid developing Insulin Resistance because it will have a continuing life-long impact on your health and well-being even if you manage to normalise your body weight or reverse obesity.

Meeting Prof Tim Noakes at the Low Carb Down Under event,

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